Hi! (Waving at you.)
It's great that you came. I'll have Kyle add another tent to the Qz. He's on Point today.
So what's all the fuss? Why are you here?
Safe Haven. Online and interactive. The entire camp, including the people, free and at the world's fingertips anytime they want to stop by. Let me explain:
I'm building an interactive version of Safe Haven. From the Qz, to the guards and areas. I have a small chunk online now and have invited you here to get your approval before I go any further.
What does that mean?
I'd like you to check it out and then vote. If more people think it's too cartoonish for the gravity of the story or that it's an insult, I'll tear it down and just stick to writing.
I love the idea of having the actual camp online, of having the readers in it, finding the deleted scenes or the character details that didn't make it into the book. It's another way to make this story live forever as far as I'm concerned.
You'll find a lot of things that are not available in Demo mode, like the supply trucks, which btw, are the only place in Safe Haven where you'll see any ads or items for sale. This site is not about getting you to buy my work. I have Amazon for that. The links that are live will give you an idea of how things will work and I plan to make it as interactive as my budget will allow.
When it goes live with the release of book four, you'll be able to join the camp, add your DoppleMe avatar, put your own graffiti on bathroom walls, and even be assigned a job based on the information you provide. There will also be secret areas you can earn a pass into and forums so you can talk with your fellow camp members. I suspect that Ft. Haven will be in there somewhere as well, along with a form of Eagle training and tryouts.
I have a lot of ideas for this site and it will all be free and optional. No fees or upgrades, just Safe Haven refugee camp brought to life in another form by those who've become attached to the story and it's people.
So that's it? Check it out and come back here to vote? No new books to be had? Where's the deleted scenes and freebie?
If you'll look to your left, you'll see my newest titles are now available for pre-order. To your right, a free, PDF(Only) copy of The Bachelor Battles. The cut pages are in the demo for you to find.
I'll be live on here until midnight, Ohio time, so feel free to vote and leave a comment or question. I've got my chair outside the flap, my strong coffee at hand, and the Eagles are on guard. For the next five hours, Safe Haven and I are all yours.
The Survivors recently went to #2 on Amazon's bestseller list for a fantasy series and that's all because of you. For the first time ever, I'm finally able to give my family a better life and I need you to know how much that means to someone with my background. My kids are happier, healthier, and I look at the world in a more forgiving way every time I think about all the wonderful people who purchased a copy of this book and made that possible. I'll never get tired of your comments or emails. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.
Enter Safe Haven Refugee Camp
is Safe Haven Refugee Camp. Can anyone hear me?
Is anyone out there?"
The Survivors
*Free on all